Building Community

Herman Indra of St. Timothy's parish helping 
secure the roof of our four new homes.

The foundation may be laid and the walls may be raised but there is so much more work to be done.

On Saturday, February 8th, the Catholic Coalition helped secure the roofs of the next phase of our Fullerton Richman development. The walls are already put in place.

Lunch was generously provided by the Knights of Columbus from San Francisco Solano (St. John Paul II Council).

As we build these homes, let us not forget that we are not simply building houses: we are building community. Just as a home must have a strong foundation and walls in order to stand, the relationships in our lives must have a strong foundation as well.

Building community is all about having something that unifies us and brings us together. We all come together for the same cause of providing homes for hardworking Orange County families. That is what unifies us all.

The act of raising walls is a community activity. It takes several people to get the job done. And though we are several weeks past the framing stage, it is still incredible how a group of people can come together and work towards a common goal.

And not just for one day or one week. We get volunteers coming in all the time to help.We all gather together to build homes for families we may or may not personally know. We hammer nails into the frame of their homes. We paint the exterior of their house. In doing so, we solidify that family's dreams. We may all come from various Catholic parishes and organizations, but we are all Catholic and we are all in the business of making life a little easier for another family.

So yes, while we do build homes for families, we also build community, whether that be in a sense as literal as building actual homes in a community, or whether that's the camaraderie that builds up over time as we gather for the common goal of giving these families a home.

Join us for our next build day and help us build homes and community on Saturday, March 14.
